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We can solve any seepage problems or basement leaks that your home may have. 



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Basement Waterproofing


Openings such as cracks or other faults in basement walls can be an unwanted source of water infiltration. Depending on the type and extent of the problem, the repair can be localized or may require excavating around the entire building. When excavating around your entire house, our staff will take care not to disrupt more than is absolutely necessary to ensure that a quality repair is done. Although weather conditions can sometimes put things on hold, our experienced work force gets the job done quickly. Abalon applies the latest scientifically approved methods, under the supervision of trained personnel while using the best products and materials available. When the job is finished, water in your basement will be a thing of the past.


Weeping Tile


Weeping tile is a perforated plastic pipe which is placed on the footing around the entire exterior perimeter of the house at the bottom of the foundation wall. In older homes this pipe might be made of clay or concrete material. The purpose of weeping tile is to collect excess water drainage down the exterior concrete wall. This prevents water pressure building up against the concrete wall and diverts the water before it is absorbed by soil causing the soil to swell.


After the water enters the weeping tile it drains to the sewer at the catch basin or the sump pit in newer homes. Solid pipes are laid under the basement floor from the sewer or pit to each foundation wall and connected through the footing to the weeping tile. This system is unique to Winnipeg. A different weeping tile system is used in other cities.
Weeping tile is affected by foundation shifting, basement floor heaving, sewer backup and shrinking and swelling clay. Your Abalon representative will be able to advise you on any repair or maintenance required.

Weeping Tile

Sump Pits and Pumps


Sump pits are plastic containers with approximately 20 gallon (90 liters) capacities which are placed in a convenient location in the basement with the top of the pit at floor level. In newer homes the pit is installed when the home is built. The weeping tile lines discharge into the pit and the water is pumped outside by a submersible pump near the bottom of the pit. The main purpose of the sump pit is to discharge weeping tile water outside instead of into the overloaded sewer system during heavy rains.


Many homeowners with houses where the weeping tile system drains into the sewer have installed sump pits. This pit is connected under the floor to the catch basin. During heavy rains and flooding the sewer backup valve will close preventing weeping tile water from entering the sewer. This water is diverted to the pit and pumped outside. This only happens when the sewer backup valve is closed.


The concrete basement floor is normally 4 inches thick. The floor is underlain by approximately 4 inches of pea gravel on top of the clay base. The gravel allows excess water to move freely laterally relieving pressure under the floor. Some contractors and home owners drill small holes in the top 4 inches of the sump pit to allow any water under the floor to seep into the pit. Caution must be exercised to ensure that these holes only drain the pea gravel. Do not drill holes more than 4 to 5 inches from the top of the pit. Some pits on the market have holes most of the way down the inside of the pit.
These holes will allow the clay under the floor to dry out in dry years causing the soil to shrink. This can lead to telepost pads settling, clay under footings shrinking and creating hollow spots under floors. This can happen no matter how airtight the pit is. Your Abalon representative will be glad to explain your sump pit options to you.

Sump Pits and Pumps

Back-up Valves


A back-up (or backflow) valve is installed between the catch basin trap and the main sewer line to the house. There are many designs but the device is essentially a one-way flap that lets water flow out, but not back in. In the event of a sewer back-up, the valve closes to prevent the sewer water from entering the basement. Pop-up valves are usually installed along with back-up valves. These are located at the bottom of the catch basin. The principle is simple yet effective. Water rising in the pipe lifts a float that blocks the drain opening. Talk to your Abalon representative for options about preventing sewer water back-up in your home.

Back-up Valves

Window Wells


Window wells are installed where basement windows are below grade level. The purpose of the corrugated metal window well is to prevent the surrounding clay and top soil from filling the pit adjacent to the window. The metal window well does not stop any water from entering the pit and need not be attached to the foundation wall. The pit at the window is drained by several methods to the weeping tile at the bottom of the foundation. Good drainage is essential otherwise the pit will fill with water and leak into the basement in the area where the concrete wall and the metal or wood window join. Your Abalon representative will explain the different drainage systems and the costs and benefits of each.

Window Wells

Chimney Leaks


A leaking chimney is a very common problem in older homes. They normally leak at grade and below because they were made with brick. Over time the mortar between these bricks deteriorates and water finds a way to enter. Usually, the water will come through the cleanout and enter the basement.


One way to determine if this is the reason you have moisture in this basement area is to run water on the exterior near the chimney. Be prepared for it to leak and have rags or a Shop-Vac ready to absorb the water. When running this water it is a good idea to run it until it leaks or your weeping tile starts to flow in the catch basin/floor drain or sump system.

Chimney leaks

Seepage Problems


Seepage is when water infiltrates into your basement through pourous concrete or tiny cracks in concrete and masonry walls and floors. This should be remedied as soon as possible to save your basement from deterioration and also prevent or minimize mould, fungus and mildew.
Efflorescence can also be a problem. It is often mistaken as a type of mould. Efflorescence is a white crystalline (often powdery or fluffy) deposit in and on the surface of masonry materials like concrete, brick, clay tile, etc. This is a sign that moisture is below the floor or behind a wall. This water carries salts obtained from the soil and through capillary action infiltrates and in turn deteriorates the concrete or masonry.

Seepage Problems

Foundation Inspections


We provide a complete foundation inspection service. Once the inspection is complete you will receive a written report detailing the condition of the foundation structure and the costs for any needed repairs.

Foundation Inspections
Choosing the right foundation repair expert is one of the most important decision you can make.
You will find an easy and hassle-free process of becoming our client.
Once the job is done, our customer lifetime warranty is something that you can count on.
We give you the best guarantee in the business. In fact, we give you 2 guarantees!

Tel: (204) 783-2500



Address​​​​​​: 965 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3E 1G3

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